Glide is a wonderfully easy on-demand image manipulation library written in PHP. Its straightforward API is exposed via HTTP, similar to cloud image processing services like Imgix and Cloudinary. Glide leverages powerful libraries like Intervention Image (for image handling and manipulation) and Flysystem (for file system abstraction).
© Photo Joel Reynolds
- Adjust, resize and add effects to images using a simple HTTP based API.
- Manipulated images are automatically cached and served with far-future expires headers.
- Create your own image processing server or integrate Glide directly into your app.
- Supports the GD library, the Imagick PHP extension and libvips PHP extension.
- Supports many response methods, including PSR-7, HttpFoundation and more.
- Ability to secure image URLs using HTTP signatures.
- Works with many different file systems, thanks to the Flysystem library.
- Powered by the battle tested Intervention Image image handling and manipulation library.
- Framework-agnostic, will work with any project.
- Composer ready and PSR-2 compliant.
Glide was created by Jonathan Reinink. Submit issues to Github.