All the Glide configuration is managed through a central object called the Server
. This includes the image source location (where the original images are saved), the image cache location (where the manipulated images are saved), as well as all other configuration options.
Setup with factory
The easiest way to configure the Server
is using the supplied factory.
$server = League\Glide\ServerFactory::create([
'source' => // Source filesystem
'source_path_prefix' => // Source filesystem path prefix
'cache' => // Cache filesystem
'cache_path_prefix' => // Cache filesystem path prefix
'temp_dir' => // Temporary directory where cache EXIF data should be stored
// (defaults to sys_get_temp_dir())
'group_cache_in_folders' => // Whether to group cached images in folders
'cache_with_file_extensions' => // Whether to include file extension in cache filename. Default `false`.
'cache_path_callable' => // Custom cache path callable
'watermarks' => // Watermarks filesystem
'watermarks_path_prefix' => // Watermarks filesystem path prefix
'driver' => // Image driver (gd or imagick)
'max_image_size' => // Image size limit
'defaults' => // Default image manipulations
'presets' => // Preset image manipulations
'base_url' => // Base URL of the images
'response' => // Response factory
Setup manually
You can also choose to instantiate the Server
object manually. This allows finer control over what dependencies are being used. For example, if you wanted to add additional functionality to the API, you could load custom manipulators in addition to those provided with Glide.
// Set source filesystem
$source = new League\Flysystem\Filesystem(
new League\Flysystem\Local\LocalFilesystemAdapter('path/to/source/folder')
// Set cache filesystem
$cache = new League\Flysystem\Filesystem(
new League\Flysystem\Local\LocalFilesystemAdapter('path/to/cache/folder')
// Set watermarks filesystem
$watermarks = new League\Flysystem\Filesystem(
new League\Flysystem\Local\LocalFilesystemAdapter('path/to/watermarks/folder')
// Set image manager
$imageManager = new Intervention\Image\ImageManager(
new Intervention\Image\Drivers\Gd\Driver()
// Set manipulators
$manipulators = [
new League\Glide\Manipulators\Orientation(),
new League\Glide\Manipulators\Crop(),
new League\Glide\Manipulators\Size(2000*2000),
new League\Glide\Manipulators\Brightness(),
new League\Glide\Manipulators\Contrast(),
new League\Glide\Manipulators\Gamma(),
new League\Glide\Manipulators\Sharpen(),
new League\Glide\Manipulators\Filter(),
new League\Glide\Manipulators\Blur(),
new League\Glide\Manipulators\Pixelate(),
new League\Glide\Manipulators\Watermark($watermarks),
new League\Glide\Manipulators\Background(),
new League\Glide\Manipulators\Border(),
// Set API
$api = new League\Glide\Api\Api($imageManager, $manipulators);
// Setup Glide server
$server = new League\Glide\Server(
// Set response factory
$server->setResponseFactory(new SymfonyResponseFactory());